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My Note on Photo


¡®Farm-village¡¯ is 'my hometown' which lived and did a farming. As the grain can't live without its root, farm-village is a nostalgia in my mind. Also, 'special song' stands for our poem song on the contrary of calling Chinese song 'right song'. It means that there are no rhyme and rhythm in Chinese poem songs.


They say that 'although art is not bread, it may side dish." The bread is indispensible calory for human being to live and the side dish is a culture for taste and flavor. There is no side dish culture for animal.
Photo for me is not a calory for a living but a measure of 'joyfulness for leisure'. Space and color to enter the frame are beautiful freedom and pleasure. (www.chunphogo.com)


Photo is the picture to draw by light. Photo called a light play has made through negative image of film and positive one of printing paper since the that day of its invention. Now, the digital photo which is a fusion image to sympathize between negative and positive or black and white cannot see the negative image to meet like a spirit in the darkroom unless we are made it intentionally. It is a rapture of completion much like the reason for five elements of negative and positive to achieve in the Oriental custom in daily life, isn't it?


The 1st photo taken by me is a object and the 'photo' made through next production processes is my final resultant.


I thought 'make' in the process of computer work from darkroom work of film photo and enjoy again fully the pleasure in the print through computer work from the joyfulness experienced in darkroom printing work. It is because the newness to feel amid producing and colliding the images different each other leads me into another 'photo play' world.


Photo is a 'play for me and a measure of living. Playfulness of the player to be very glad like a shaman! If X time, Y space and Z thought were to a frame in this world for human being, what is the living in the infiniteness? When the traces of a living disappear after meeting together among time, space and thought, can the questions like 'how and why(concept)' appear into another spirit?


The 'modernization phenomenon' progressed after the 1970s makes an economical difference between city and country wider owing to the focused development investment and the outflow of youth people 'into the city, into the city' strengthens to increase the aged and women in the farm village and makes the cavity phenomenon. Now, the farm village is short of the labor and increases the rest arable land to let it alone owing to the capital logic and becomes a abolition village owing to many vacant houses. In the future, who lives in our farm villages and who remains¡¦ ? Maybe, the foreign daughters-in-law of multi-cultural family may sing a farm ballad in the country fields before long.


Modern capitalism became a matter as the standard of living and a money as the god. Where will we meet a 'died god' said by Nietzsche from the farm village without one's mental household in the times lost one's hometown?


If we pray that tomorrow may be only like today, how much do we try hard to search for the meaning to live today as turning the breath of living into the cold air after opening the window early morning? The time becomes when feels keenly the necessity of a good neighbor is better than a brother far off.


If someone to live alone in the forest adheres to the conditions and traces to meet with him, it is his freedom, enjoyment and joyfulness. The anxiety and pleasure and the irritation and thrill to feel in the center will be an addition and a by-product of pleasure-anxiety-sad-joy to live together like a fate.


The freedom and strangeness beyond conscious and unconscious to happen amid colliding among frames different each other of negative and positive or black-white and color is an window of the narrative at which you and I look. Is it grown-up what gained through agony and anguish on this 'self-play' like Brecht's wold view 'making strange', or is it the beginning like Heidegger sayings 'to make what is not seen see'¡¦ ?